Once you have purchased your flight online it will be confirmed immediately by email and we will follow up with you to arrange a mutually convenient date and time to undertake your flight.  If you do not receive an email please contact us.


  • Flight vouchers are valid for 12 calendar months from the date of purchase. Extensions may be provided in exceptional circumstances.
  • If weather or technical reasons prevent your flight from going ahead, another mutually convenient date and time will be arranged.
  • Refund policy - up to 7 days from purchase buyers may cancel their purchase and receive a full refund.  If a gift voucher has been requested it must be returned before a refund will be issued.  After 7 days from purchase, no refunds will be given although vouchers are fully transferrable to other participents.

Medical, Weight and Age Restrictions

  • Recipients must be over 16 years old.
  • You must be physically capable of getting into and out of the aircraft without assistance (we can refer those with a disability to specialist flight training organisations that may be able to provide flight experiences).
  • If you are aged over 70 we will require a letter from your GP confirming your suitability to undertake the flight with us (unless a pilot medical is held).
  • We will make best endeavours to ensure those of larger or smaller stature are safe and comfortable in the aircraft - however, in the unlikely event that we cannot physically accommodate you, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or to transfer your flight to another person without adminsitration charge.  Please note we will not be liable for any out of pocket expenses incurred such as travel or accomodation.  Generally, we cannot accomodate those taller than 6'2" or heavier than 98kg (clothed).

Weather & Aircraft Serviceability

  • We will only fly if weather conditions and aircraft serviceability are suitable for the flight that you wish to undertake.  Presence of low cloud, poor visibility, heavy precipitation (or waterlogged runways) may mean that we have to reschedule.  We will make best endeavours to contact you with as much notice as we can, however in the case of unforecast weather or aircraft/airfield unserviceability this may not be possible.  We will rearrange your flight for another mutually convenient time, and hope that you can understand that safety is our top priority.  However, please note that we accept no liability for any costs incurred such as travel or accommodation when flying has to be cancelled.

Will I feel airsick?

  • Our number one priority is your safety, and secondly your comfort - we want you to enjoy your flight and take up aerobatics and aviation as a hobby or career.  Our experienced aerobatic pilots will tailor the experience to you personally to try to ensure your comfort throughout.  If you do feel unwell we ask that you tell your pilot immediately, who can arrange a break or return to land at any time.  We haven't had anyone actually sick in the aircraft yet - but please note that if a mess is made a substantial professional cleaning fee will be charged (comfort bags are provided free of charge!).

How long is the flight?

  • We arrange our flights to be about 45 minutes engine running time, of which at least 30 minutes will be airborne. Qualified pilots may of course log this time as PuT/Dual.

Is it safe?

  • Safety is our number one priority, no compromises. However, there is a small risk attached to light aircraft flight (about the same level as recreational motorcycling).  To mitigate those risks:
  • Our aircraft are mainted to strict EASA and CAA safety standards for commercial operators.
  • Our pilots are professional aerobatic and upset recovery instructors, also certified by the UK CAA and/or EASA.
  • Our flights are conducted under the supervision of our Declared Training Organisation, which ensures strict adherence of our safety protocols and procedueres such as minimum heights for manoeuvers.  Copies of our insurance certificate is available on request, but please note some of your own personal policies may not cover this activity.